Why does this service matter ?

The Advanced Equation Group’s toolset leaked by Shadow Brokers is being more and more used by street-level cybercriminals, as was reported by this trendmicro blog post earlier this month. But, taking a close look at the rudimentary, unsophisticated way, they have used the toolset (see image below), it makes no… BLAH HERE


I’m sure the image has angered a lot of people as it did for me. A bunch of executable files (exe, dll) are dropped on disk, waiting to be detected by any installed antivirus. This is painful to watch!!!

What does this service solve ?

DoublePulsar is one of the awesome tools that has been leaked, read my article here, it allows any DLL to be loaded in memory without it touching the filesystem. Well, you got a DLL, upload it here, and get your ready to be used version.

How to use the output binary ?

While it is in Memory, just transfer CPU execution to it, either through starting a new thread/process, or even a simple jmp; then watch your exported function do its magic. cryptojacking much ;)